1 Introduction

In this post I want to reveiw the link functionality in org mode 9.0. Purpose of the exercise is to understand how to implement link functionality. I eventually want to use this to encapsulate iframe, include or other liquid or html directives in fastpages jekyll blog inside the link.

This will be useful for following :-

  • Define Links which can help avoid writing raw html and include directives
  • Define different backends for different rendering targets
  • Allow me to use org mode navigation

Above notes will become clear towards the end of this post. As a reference I will be following the tutorial from this link.

2 FastPages link

Lot of bells and whistle related to boxes and link are enabled using org mode link functionality

  • Links are prepended by a directive
  • When doing html export link get converted into jekyll include statement already defined in the code
  • When exporting to other backends it follows the same structure as normal link for that structure

2.1 Youtube Video Link

You can embed individual video or even playlist

[[yt:https://youtu.be/5haX95nk02E][New Link Feature Org Mode]]

[[yt:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxc79l2wpbJYTI5rv2os7OoKQMqxReZpr][The Playlist for Org Mode]]

2.2 Twitter Card Link

[[twitter:https://twitter.com/jakevdp/status/1204765621767901185?s=20][Altair v4 release]]

2.3 Remote Image Link

[[img:https://www.fast.ai/images/fastai_paper/show_batch.png][Credits: https://www.fast.ai/2020/02/13/fastai-A-Layered-API-for-Deep-Learning/]]

Credits: https://www.fast.ai/2020/02/13/fastai-A-Layered-API-for-Deep-Learning/
Credits: https://www.fast.ai/2020/02/13/fastai-A-Layered-API-for-Deep-Learning/



2.4 Local Images

[[img:/images/Emacs.png][Emacs is the king]]

Emacs is the king
Emacs is the king

This has been awesome so far.

2.5 Boxes and Stuff

[[alert:This is an alert box]]

[[alert:box][Danger ahead]]

[[info:This is info box]]

[[info:box][This is for your information]]

[[warning:box][You have been warned]]

[[important:box][This is important]]

[[tip:box][You are going to get lucky with emacs]]

[[note:box][This is a note]]

*I am currently in process of fixing doclink functionality inside note box*
[[note:box][A doc link to [an example website: fast.ai](https://www.fast.ai/) don't work yet.]]

This is an alert box

Danger ahead

This is info box

This is for your information

Warning: You have been warned

Important: This is important

Tip: You are going to get lucky with emacs

Note: This is a note

I am currently in process of fixing doclink functionality inside note box

Note: A doc link to [an example website: fast.ai](https://www.fast.ai/) don't work yet.

2.6 IFrames and Revealjs Presentation

[[iframe:https://revealjs.com][Reveal JS Presentation]]

You can embed websites as iframes. This is particularily useful for embedding revealjs presentation like this.

Infact it is also possible to create revealjs presentation directly from org mode. I will be working on integrating the same in next few days.

You can also embed powerpoint presentation